Short Term / Medium Term Accommodation
Holiday respite or weekend getaways to give some much needed time off to the family members and to improve social skills of the participants. Short term accommodations are often pathways to supported independent living settings.
In some situations, the NDIA may determine it is necessary to fund a participant for Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) funding. It is designed as a medium-term solution for situations where participants may be waiting for home modifications to be completed or when waiting for a vacancy to become available / a new-build to be complete where you want to live. Funding under this category can be provided for up to 90 days and is funded separately from the support component of your plan.
How we help?
hort Term Accommodation will appear in your NDIS Plan under Core Supports.
SAN Support can assist you to have a short getaway from your normal day-to-day
routine. Whether you are interested in a few days or weeks, SAN Support can support
For more information on Different Accommodation modes, please feel free to contact
our friendly team, they will guide you through available options!
Get support today from experienced team with Short Term / Medium Term Accommodation.
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